Recently while haunting some local garage sales, I came across this metal tray. At first glance, it doesn't look like much. I don't know if it every had graphics on it, but it's definitely something most people would overlook and exactly they type of thing you should be seeking! It was inexpensive and I knew I could give it a little makeover and it would be a Fab Find.

I scrubbed it with a Brillo pad to smooth out the very few rusted areas and to ensure any gunk (that's a technical term) that may have accumulated over the years would be gone. I thought about putting a saying on the tray and making that the focal point, I decided to make this useful as well as pretty. I decided to make a magnet note board. I have a spot in my kitchen that accumulates invitations, grocery lists and photos. This tray would make a perfect solution to corral some of these items.

I thought this "family" artwork would be a good fit.

I painted the stencil with a sage green paint. I used acrylic craft paint. I was concerned chalk paint would flake off.

Next, I needed a few magnets. I recently purchased a new refrigerator so I had to remove the mass of magnets from the old one. These are a few that didn't make the cut to the new fridge. I made the one above a few years ago. I purchased the one below in a multi-pack of similar magnets.

I added a adhesive picture hanger to the back.

Now this tray won't wind up in a landfill. It has a new purpose and I love the patina on it. That is also one of the reasons I didn't want to put a lot of paint on it. I wanted the tray to shine on its own.
And that cutie in the oversize bonnet? That's me from a couple of years ago....maybe more than a couple.