So here it is, end of October. It's getting a little colder although we have had some beautiful fall days lately and the leaf colors are stupendous this year, but alas, it is getting colder and I am already behind with my Christmas preparations. Yep, Christmas preparations. I haven't even given out the first piece of Halloween candy yet. But you know what the day after Halloween is? Christmas Open House at one of the venues where I sell my inventory. So I am knee deep in Christmas right now, because you know what the week after that is? Yep, two more Christmas open houses at two other shops. Yikes! I am definitely behind.
Fortunately, this upcycle was easy and it didn't really take very long. This past Spring, I made some eggs and bunnies from an old cutter quilt. If you missed it, you can see it here. They flew out the door at the Spring open house so I have been thinking what I can make for the Christmas open house. The answer? Christmas trees!

I still had a large part of the quilt I used in the Spring. I also have a couple of other cutter quilts and I pulled one of those out so I could have a variety of trees.

I made some patterns by just cutting out some triangles. I started with these three sizes and then added a larger one. I cut two pieces for each tree from the quilt. I tried to place each one on an interesting part of the quilt.

I sewed a basic top-stich around the outside of the tree leaving enough room at the bottom of each tree to add some poly-fill and a dowel rod (for the trunk of the tree). This photo makes it look I have some sort of elaborate lighting in my sewing room. I don't know why it turned out like this. It is basically a bright room with good lighting. This looks like mood lighting—not representative of what it really looks like.

This is what the tree looks like when it is sewed. Note the opening in the bottom.

I inserted a 1/4" dowel rod until it reached the tip of the tree. Then I added poly-fill to give the tree a little bit of shape.
I used just a bit of fabric glue around the base of the tree to close up the opening. I could have stitched it together, but did I mention I am behind???

I added a clothespin on each side of the dowel rod until the glue dries.

I purchased slices of wood from Amazon to use as the base of the trees. My dowel rod is 1/4" so I used a 1/4" drill bit to create a hole in the center of each slice.

I used clear Gorilla Glue to attach the base to the dowel rod.

It didn't take very long to create a little forest of Christmas trees. When doing a project like this, I create them in an assembly line fashion. I sewed about twenty of the trees the other night and then added the dowels, poly-fill and bases this morning. All in all, it only took a little over two hours to create all twenty trees.

Now they are ready to decorate a home (or homes) for the holidays! I think they are really cute and can be tucked into decor just about anywhere.
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These are adorable!!! Tysvm for sharing!!